Urological Society of India – USICON

With many an international partnership with major Urological Associations, our society is standing shoulder to-shoulder with these on international platforms. Get introduced to the world's renowned reconstructive surgeons, robotic surgeons, endourologists, and many an accomplished subspecialist of the day.

Surgical, Pharmacological, and Technological Advances in Urology

Identify when to obtain PET imaging for newly diagnosed men with prostate cancer, Discuss the etiology and management of urethral diverticulum, Effectively treat hypogonadism and prostate cancer with testosterone replacement, Integrate new technologies into the management of kidney stones

25th Annual Meeting of the Society of Urologic Oncology (SUO)

Medical oncologists, and scientists. State-of-the-art translational topics on prostate, kidney, and bladder cancer, as well as strategies in urologic oncology, will be discussed. There will be a half-day session on Wednesday morning on Clinical Research to ensure that fellows have the tools required to quickly engage in clinical trials upon graduation and to facilitate engagement in the SUO-CTC.

Microsurgery Workshop 2024 – Advanced

Advanced workshop builds on the skills learned in the basic workshop and incorporates more difficult scenarios in the day-to-day training, including end-to-side anastomosis, carotid artery bypass, sciatic nerve repair, free-flap-in-situ.

2025 Aspen Urological Conference

Participants will be able to: Discuss the latest clinical trials and recommendations for active surveillance in prostate cancer management, including lifestyle interventions and dietary recommendations; evaluate the effectiveness and limitations of surgical interventions for urinary incontinence

American Urological Association (AUA) Oral Board Review Course

In addition to experiencing mock oral exams that are realistic, participants will also receive immediate feedback and guidance from expert oral examiners, as well as the opportunity to refine their thought process, communication skills, approach to oral exam question types, and decision-making ability