APLAR 2023 Congress

The APLAR 2023 Congress theme of “Together Towards Tomorrow” will be reflected through the scientific program in a series of plenary presentations, concurrent sessions, Pre-congress workshops and poster presentations.


This year’s theme, Confluence and Collaboration at the Forks, signifies coming together and shared decision-making. The Forks, situated at the junction of the Red and Assiniboine Rivers, has been a historic meeting place for over 6,000 years

8th Systemic Sclerosis World Congress 2024

Colleagues from different specialties, junior trainees, health professionals and patients from all over the world have contributed to the high scientific profile of the congresses in interactive clinical and basic sessions.

Comprehensive Spine Course

Physicians need to appreciate the major decision-making surrounding the medical management of spinal disorders. It is imperative that they incorporate and integrate latest knowledge and updated practical experience on the clinical presentation, natural history, and management for spinal disorders.

Ultrasound Conference

At the completion of this course, attendees should be able to demonstrate familiarity with the anatomy, physiology, and pathophysiology of the shoulder, elbow, hand, wrist, hip, knee, foot, and ankle, and ultrasound guidance of aspirations, injections, and biopsies

Musculoskeletal Embolization

Our virtual Summit on MSK had a record number of registrants and the attendance at the first two editions of our educational meeting dedicated to MSK in Paris has grown year over year

2024 Update: Rheumatology Year in Review

Explain current knowledge concerning the immunopathogenesis underlying various rheumatologic, systemic inflammatory, and autoimmune disorders and define appropriate targets for therapy based on the latest studies presented at international conferences, Examine the SLE treatment guidelines and advances related to the management of patients with systemic lupus erythematosus, with a focus on the treatment of nephritis.