European Academy of Neurology (EAN) Congress 2025
This year's theme, "Neurology within Society," explores the interplay between neurological care and societal factors, promoting a holistic approach to patient well-being.
This year's theme, "Neurology within Society," explores the interplay between neurological care and societal factors, promoting a holistic approach to patient well-being.
The purpose of the conference is to discuss recent research, explore opportunities for new collaborations, and identify the most important needs and priorities for future programs in stem cell, cell therapy, and bioengineering approaches to explore lung biology and/or prevent and treat lung diseases. Optional Pre-conference workshop: Hands-on Training in State-of-the-Art Methods in Stem Cells, Cell Therapies, and Bioengineering - July 7, 2025.
The course will reinforce the principles of soft tissue management and its role in the treatment of CMF trauma in the laboratory environment, including the principles of rigid fixation as demonstrated by the use of conventional surgical hardware
Expect presentations on cutting-edge topics like diabetes management, thyroid disorders, hormonal cancers, and the influence of the endocrine system on overall health.
The congress also will include a special visionary session with the annual Addario Keynote Lecture and an expert panel discussion on coming trends in lung cancer therapy over the next decade. As in previous years, cutting-edge lectures, multidisciplinary case-based tumor boards, and question-and-answer sessions will allow participants to engage with international and national experts as they share their perspectives and personal experiences of clinical challenges and ongoing controversies
The format for this course will be lecture-style presentations, with case studies. There will be ample time for questions and answers,The goal of this training is to build capacity with community providers by providing guidelines for screening and treating persons for TB infection.
Participants can choose clinical or technical track during the last 2 hours on the 2nd day of the course. Clinical track participants will practice reviewing and generating clinical interpretations of CPET data using sample cases. Technical track participants will receive a deeper analysis of calibration and procedures for ensuring technical validity of the CPET, instruction on data collection procedures and troubleshooting technical errors, and practice on procedures related to exercise testing
This course also includes a 4-hour cadaver lab with un-embalmed human cadaver specimens. Performing ultrasound-guided interventions requires a strong knowledge base pertaining to scanning techniques, recognition of normal anatomy, pathologic conditions, and needle-guidance techniques. The use of human cadaveric specimens allows the participant to augment the scanning and interventional skills in order to immediately begin integrating the skills into clinical practice.
Live scanning demonstrations are performed for every joint as well as live PRP procedural demonstrations for various pathological conditions performed on actual patients. Extensive hands-on scanning sessions feature a 3:1 participant-to-faculty ratio with live standardized patient models, and inanimate phantoms, PLUS a 4-hour human cadaveric lab for ultrasound-guided procedures and advanced applications including BMAC and lipoaspirate techniques
There will be cutting-edge discussions on ECMO, mechanical circulatory support, and neuromonitoring; breakout sessions focusing on ICU systems, team dynamics. Participants will hear from experts in the field, discuss the developments in an informed panel of discussions. The organizers will look at technological advances that will become routine in the near future.
The integration of novel AKI biomarkers into risk-stratification algorithms both at single and longitudinal time points in new populations; Outcome studies from novel devices aimed to improve outcomes for patients with AKI and multiorgan failure
This 3-day course is designed to provide pulmonologists, rheumatologists, internists and general practitioners up-to-date information on pulmonary manifestations of rheumatologic disorders.