AACR Annual Meeting 2025

From population science and prevention; to cancer biology, translational, and clinical studies; to survivorship and advocacy; the AACR Annual Meeting highlights the work of the best minds in cancer research from institutions all over the world.

Infectious Diseases in Adults

Education is practical and results-driven: Optimal decision-making in the prevention, diagnosis, and treatment of infectious diseases; newer antimicrobials and treatment strategies for highly resistant infections; prevention and treatment of infections in immunocompromised hosts; update on antifungal diagnostics and therapy; state-of-the-art and multidisciplinary approaches to common infections

Enhancing Restorative Results: Soft Tissue Grafting

This workshop is for dentists who want to offer soft tissue grafting or learn more about enhancing esthetic restorative results. The full-day course offers the opportunity to practice both procedures on pig jaws, as well as many case illustrations and two surgical videos of the grafting procedure.

Vasculitis 2025: Advances and Controversies

The course will discuss advancements in imaging techniques for large vessel vasculitis and other diagnostic modalities. Participants will appraise the latest diagnostic approaches for giant cell arteritis (GCA), while evaluating the clinical evidence supporting the use of tocilizumab as a first-line therapy in GCA.

Introduction to Musculoskeletal Ultrasound: Upper Extremities – Blended Course

The blended education format provides flexibility: Participants begin with the self-paced online course, taught by leading musculoskeletal ultrasound experts, incorporating comprehensive lectures and interactive case presentations, and post-activity quizzes. Then participants attend 1-day (6 hours) scanning skills workshop featuring the industry lowest 3:1 participant to expert faculty ratio with standardized patient models and inanimate phantoms for interventional practice.

Unraveling Long COVID Care: Clinical Advances and Future Directions

Participants will engage with leading experts across specialties who will share the latest research findings, clinical guidelines, and emerging therapies in managing long COVID symptoms, spanning ENT, neurology, GI, hematology, psychiatry, psychology, speech therapy, physical therapy, and integrative medicine

IV Nutrition Therapies Level I & II

These therapies are becoming well-accepted and provide physicians with new revenue streams while allowing delegation of these procedures, resulting in increased patient care and overall health.

IV Therapy Training Course

This course presents all the core skills needed for the healthcare practitioner to become familiar with intravenous therapy. Instruction includes a review of the circulatory system, fluid and electrolyte balance, insertion procedure, techniques for proper and successful catheter insertions, care, assessment and maintenance post catheter insertion, blood administration and covers a variety of venous access devices