International Conference On Oncology Treatment And Radiology (ICOTR) – IIRST

At (ICOTR - 24), we are committed to showcasing the latest innovations, trends, and issues across a range of disciplines, making it an exceptional interdisciplinary platform for attendees. We invite all those interested in learning about the most recent advancements and developments in their respective fields to participate in this invaluable event. Regardless of your background or area of research, we are dedicated to providing a professional and informative experience that will enrich your und

International Conference on Pediatric Heart Physiology

International Conference on Pediatric Heart Physiology aims to provide the opportunity to discuss the emerging scope of mathematics and statistics, share expertise on the subject, and collaborate.

Molecular Mechanisms of Neuronal Connectivity

Neuronal and Glial Development, Axon Targeting, Axon Regeneration, Synapse Assembly, Synaptic Specificity in Neural Circuits, Glial Control of Neuronal Circuitry, Neuronal Repair, Neuronal Circuitry Underlying Behavior, Neuronal Plasticity. The format of the meeting will include 8 oral sessions and 2 poster sessions. Each oral session will include invited speakers and speakers selected from submitted abstracts. The organizers will select abstracts for oral or poster presentations.

Pediatric and Adolescent Gynecology 2024

The objective is to stimulate the health professional to become more knowledgeable about the diagnosis and management of a wide variety of gynecologic medical, surgical, and social problems and to become more proficient in providing office-based prevention services and counseling to pediatric and adolescent patients relating to gynecologic issues.

Inaugural International Neonatal Nephrology Symposium (INNS)

Topics include Practical Aspects of Neonatal Kidney Care, The Science and the Art, From Crib to Bench and Back to the Crib, Kidney Health Metrics in Neonates and Young Children, Fetal Kidney Disease: A New Era, Neonatal Organ Cross Talk, Neonatal Nephrology Potpourri. The 2 Featured Workshops, Clinical roundtables, Caring for Neonates with Kidney Disease and their Families, Hands-on practical skills sessions

Inaugural Symposium on Kidney Transplantation in Plasma Cell Disorders

Updates in MGRS pathology and classification, the latest developments in clone-directed therapy and outcomes, assessing depth of response, updates on transplant biology and immunology, complications of renal transplantation in patients with plasma cell disease, and fair distribution of a scarce resources and role of living donor transplantation.

International Conference on Family Practice and Medicine (ICFPAM-24),

acquiring expert career guidance and research project advice, connecting with globally renowned domain specialists, opportunities to impress renowned publishers, journal editors, and others from academic publishing, Scienthands-on sessions offering clear-cut tutorials on how to use the latest industry tools and techniques.

International Conference on Family and Sports Medicine (ICFSM-24)

Attendees will have the opportunity to share knowledge and ideas generated through international studies and research, and also have a chance to network and establish professional relationships. The event is meticulously planned to help attendees achieve their personal and professional goals, and also contribute to the industry's growth.

2024 OSU Pathology Update Course and Digital Pathology Workshop

The Ohio State University Medical Center Pathology Department is a national and global leader in digital pathology practice and thus there is no better institution to offer an annual workshop specifically on digital pathology.