Compassion Cultivation Training for Physicians and Psychologists

Differentiate empathy, compassion, and empathy fatigue and apply learned compassion skills in everyday and professional life, Describe basic mindfulness skills; how to stay present to self and clients, while teaching clients how to do this for themselves, Utilize compassion practice with themselves and others for emotional regulation in the face of emotional distress.

EACR Cancer Metabolism

The EACR Conference on Cancer Metabolism delves into tumor metabolic adaptations and treatment strategies. Experts explore genomic and cellular signaling perturbations' impact, fostering a deeper understanding of cancer biology and innovative treatments.

International Conference on Surgeries in Cardiology (ICSIC – 24)

Connect with top industry experts and build valuable connections with like-minded peers, Participate in stimulating case discussions and access new and profound research ideas, Showcase your latest research findings through oral or poster presentations, Interact with prominent international speakers and gain recognition for your work

International Conference on Cardiology and Human Anatomy – (ICCHA-24)

The theme of our conference is to identify and address the significant challenges facing industries such as engineering, medicine, social science, applied science, and management, the objective of this conference is to bring together organizations and professionals from these fields to collaborate and find solutions to these challenges. Our events will focus on identifying the current and potential challenges and addressing them through knowledge-sharing and brainstorming sessions.

International Conference on Skin Grafting and Dermatology (ICSGD – 24)

Our conference objective is to tackle the challenges hindering the furtherance of Skin Grafting and Dermatology with modern and workable solutions. Through every lecture, presentation, and event, we aim to advance the same field and address the most pressing needs of the hour.

International Conference on Dentistry, Dental Medicine and Dental Hygiene (ICDDMDH-24)

ISER constantly aims to present techniques, skills, and the latest information in various fields like science, technology, medical sciences, environment, education, business, banking, finance, languages, history, and much more. It helps participants to explore speaking opportunities, present their unique ideas and create significant connections.

International Conference on Neonatal Diabetes and Hyperinsulinism in Pediatrics (ICNDHP – 24)

Attendees will have the opportunity to be part of an exclusive group of elite academics, scientists, entrepreneurs, and high-level policymakers and bureaucrats, Participants can spread the word about their latest research findings and connect with those who inspire them in their field, The conference provides a chance to forge long-lasting professional connections with peers that will benefit their careers.

International Conference on Cosmetic Dermatology and Laser Surgery (ICCDLS – 24)

The theme and objective of the conference is centered around addressing the key challenges faced by various industries, including engineering, medicine, social science, applied science, management, and others. The aim is to bring together organizations and professionals from these fields to identify bottlenecks and collaborate on finding solutions.