International Conference on Dermatology Management in Pediatrics (ICDMP – 24)

Our events revolve around this theme, with a focus on disseminating knowledge from international studies and research. The conference is designed to help attendees not only achieve these goals but also reach their personal and professional objectives. The attendees will work together towards a common purpose, with a focus on the diffusion of knowledge and finding solutions to the challenges faced by their respective industries.

25th Annual Advances in Oncology Conference

The conference also meets a unique need for the Northern California Sacramento Valley to provide a group of networked and collaborating oncologists a forum to discuss the most recent developments in oncology care in the context of local treatment approaches, patient populations, and open clinical trials. The conference includes didactic sessions from national oncology leaders and case-based panel discussions involving academic and community oncologists.

13th Annual New Therapeutics in Oncology: The Road to Personalized Medicine

Evaluate new, emerging and novel therapeutic agents, advances in care, and clinical trial data and apply relevant findings into the management of cancer patients, Develop personalized treatment plans for patients based upon an evaluation of efficacy and safety of current and newly approved agents and therapeutic options, Integrate appropriate strategies into clinical practice to optimize the management of patients with gynecologic malignancies to improve patient outcomes

Gastroenterology and Infectious Diseases for Primary Care

Keynote speakers will present and critically assess recent advancements and industry updates in Gastroenterology and Infectious Diseases, with the goal of enhancing the knowledge-base and core competence of attendees. The successful completion of this interactive program will help you in diagnosing,

The 12th UCLA Diabetes Symposium

Counsel patients with diabetes on cardiovascular disease prevention, Discuss the risks and benefits of SGLT-2 Inhibitors, Understand the risks and benefits of Incretin (GLP-1, GIP) medications used in type 2 diabetes mellitus

19th Annual New York Lung Cancers Symposium

Participants will hear thought leaders from the New York area discuss optimal approaches for early-stage and locally advanced disease, as well as present the latest data on immunotherapy and targeted agents in metastatic lung cancers. These multidisciplinary interactions will be illustrated in a tumor board format, which will also allow participants to present questions and clinical challenges from their practice.

Hospitalist and Emergency Procedures Course

Define indications and contraindications for each procedure, Identify pertinent anatomy and proper positioning for each procedure, Demonstrate proper technique for each procedure, List common complications of each procedure, Utilize appropriate management strategies for procedural complications, Identify risk factors for complications from each procedure.

Musculoskeletal Embolization

Our virtual Summit on MSK had a record number of registrants and the attendance at the first two editions of our educational meeting dedicated to MSK in Paris has grown year over year

International Conference on Physical Anthropology and Primate Evolution (ICPAPE – 24)

Attendees will have the opportunity to be part of an exclusive group of elite academics, scientists, entrepreneurs, and high-level policymakers and bureaucrats. Participants can spread the word about their latest research findings and connect with those who inspire them in their field. The conference provides a chance to forge long-lasting professional connections with peers that will benefit their careers. The conference offers expert career guidance and research project advice.

Neurology Conference 2024

Experience a global platform at the 3rd International Conference on Neurology and Brain Disorders for knowledge exchange, networking, and cutting-edge research in neurology, neuroscience, psychiatry, and brain disorders.

4-Day Tobacco Treatment Specialist Training Workshop

Tobacco Treatment Specialist roles, Identify and describe the biopsychosocial approach to understanding and treating tobacco use, principles of evidence-based, patient-centered, behavior change treatment strategies