5th Annual Medical Updates in Primary Care Conference

Assess and provide patients with an accurate diagnosis and optimal care for a broad range of disorders seen in primary care, Utilize current guidelines in the diagnosis and management of commonly encountered therapeutic issues, Formulate comprehensive evidence-based interventions and treatment strategies that will lead to the reduction of modifiable risk factors and improved long term outcomes.

Hospitalist Medicine, Pulmonary, Critical Care

Attendees engage in discussions that address the unique challenges and advancements in hospital medicine, pulmonary health, and critical care, fostering collaboration and knowledge exchange among experts. The conference plays a pivotal role in enhancing the expertise of healthcare practitioners and improving patient outcomes in these critical areas of medical care.

Continuous Renal Replacement Therapy (CRRT) University – Carpediem

Participants are provided with an integrated platform to acquire new skills and abilities that will improve aptitude in caring for CRRT patients; increase working knowledge of the CRRT machine and ability to troubleshoot alarms; enhance abilities to navigate and adapt to complex situations involving CRRT; develop strategies for addressing challenging communication issues and program structure. Limit 12 participants per session.

Basic Cardiac Rhythms – December 4

Describe the normal electrical conduction pathway through the heart, Identify ECG waveforms, Interpret cardiac rhythms, and Identify basic interventions.

International Conference on Experimental and Clinical Cardiology

The event aims to provide a clear understanding of the current state of the field across different countries and to encourage collaboration and progress in the field. The event will also provide opportunities for academic research, with the publication of original research papers, review papers, surveys, case studies, technical and management reports,

Primary Care Pediatrics

Evaluate recent basic science and clinical advances in pediatrics, Incorporate practice guidelines and published standards of care in the diagnosis and management of pediatric diseases, including but not limited to mental health, respiratory, endocrine, and GI disease, Assess traditional principles of care in light of recent scientific advances in pediatrics.

HIV & Syndemic Infectious Diseases Mini-Residency – December 2024

State current trends in HIV epidemiology in the United States and the significance of status-neutral strategy, Identify fundamental elements of ambulatory HIV care via virtual, including respectful engagement, trauma-informed care, limited physical diagnosis, laboratory management and clinical monitoring, and patient education, Define the epidemiology and management of hepatitis B and C in people with HIV

25th Annual Meeting of the Society of Urologic Oncology (SUO)

Medical oncologists, and scientists. State-of-the-art translational topics on prostate, kidney, and bladder cancer, as well as strategies in urologic oncology, will be discussed. There will be a half-day session on Wednesday morning on Clinical Research to ensure that fellows have the tools required to quickly engage in clinical trials upon graduation and to facilitate engagement in the SUO-CTC.

Introduction to Cranial Radiosurgery – December 2024

Identify the basic principles and biophysics of radiosurgery and how they apply to day-to-day patient treatment, Review the clinical indications, parameters of treatment, and outcomes of radiosurgery, Recognize radiation safety issues and principles, as well as become familiar with the emergency procedures as they pertain to radiosurgery, Apply the principles of stereotactic frame application, imaging, and use of radiosurgery treatment hardware.

Neurodegenerative Diseases: Biology & Therapeutics

This meeting will consist of six to seven oral sessions plus one poster session. The aim is to populate half of each oral session with speakers from academia and the other half from industry; speakers will be invited as well as selected from submitted abstracts.

Original Emergency Medicine Boot Camp

Instruction by a small, select cadre of award-winning Emergency Medicine educators/clinicians, 48 fast-paced & concise 30-minute presentations, 7 Q&A sessions with the faculty, An emphasis on key documentation and risk management concepts, A focus on essential, up-to-date content